Hey there!
So, I know that this post has been long awaited but as always life got in the way and I ended up doing other things, as opposed to writing this post. Here I am now sitting down laptop keyboard at the ready, writing.
As I am writing this it is exactly 3 weeks and 5 days since I landed back in London from Canada, and honestly it was one of the best trips I have ever been on.
My chance to get away from everything, to relax and destress, and above all else, visit some amazing people.
So, let's start with the flights! in total, I was up in the air for approximately 11 hours. It was definitely a very long flight, but well worth it.
I was definitely feeling some anxiety towards it, leaving my parents at the airport, and the impending layover in Vancouver, but all of that anxiety was overshadowed by the thought of going to one of my favourite places in the world.
I am used to the safety net of my parents, especially when travelling, with my mum sat next to me, my dad paying for everything and mum looking after all the important documents.
This time, it was all down to me. I had to look after my own passport and tickets. Make sure I made it to the gate on time without delay, and to board my flight when called. That full 9 hours' was definitely not fun having no one to talk to, however on my second flight which was kind of a bit scary, there was a kind guy about my age that could maybe sense my apprehension, because he kept the conversation going, talking about England, why he was back in Canada and telling me about the area I was going to! I wish I knew his name, we were so caught up in getting off the plane and finding our families that we never said goodbye and I didn't get to thank him!
My first week there was a very quiet one. I was getting over my JetLag, Relaxing and also just having fun with someone of the kids. We took one of the girls to swimming every morning and then to the bakery to get a doughnut or a cookie, whatever sweet treat we fancied that day :).
By Saturday I was over my JetLag we woke up relatively early and went up to the Kelowna craft and farmers market, It has been raining most of the morning so most vendors had given up and surrendered to the elements but there were still a few people there, it was nice to just browse the stalls before moving on to our final destination! the little town of Merrit.
We were there visiting some more cousins, picking up a few bits and heading home.
That night we had planned to go to the drive in, but as we got there the 'Sold Out' signs appeared, so instead we ended up at the good old Tim Hortons "drowning our sorrows" in hot chocolate and doughnuts... Yes, I seem to have eaten a lot of Doughnuts this holiday haha!
On Sunday we slept in a bit before we got in the car and drove up to Revelstoke, to do this new attraction called the pipe! The Pipe is this mountain coaster that you have to get in a gondola to reach the top, then you come back to the bottom. the whole ride takes about 6 minutes, it's terrifying and fun but worth giving it a try, putting those nerves aside and taking that leap of faith, you should always try and do something new and scary because 90% of the time, its worth it.
Despite all the fun I had hanging out with family, playing with puppies and just getting away from life in general, it was soon back to reality. I could write so much more, but I have already waffled on so much.
The final thing I will say is that saying goodbye was one of the hardest things I feel I have ever had to do, even now thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.
Going on this trip was the best thing I could have done, I learnt my limits, I learnt who I am and most of all, I learnt that my Anxiety doesn't hold me back anymore. Yes, it will always be a part of me but My life is an open road and I can handle anything.
All My Love,
B xxx