Hi Guys!
So, By the title of this post you probably think this is going to be a very dramatic piece but honestly that isn't my intention.
I know i haven't written a post in a while but as always life gets in the way and things had to go on the back burner, this blog was one of those things!
I know, I know I'm sorry that it keeps happening but as a good friend once told me, " My blog isn't going anywhere, Take time to get the important stuff done"
I have titled this post The End is Near because as I write this I have 14 days till my hand in for my university course, 14 days of stress and consuming a lot of coffee. Thats 14 days till I have finished my first year at Norwich University of the Arts.
And honestly I wouldn't change any of it for the world.
I have met amazing people, that have been so supportive and helpful, and I don't think i could have got through it all without them.
Looking back it is crazy and scary how quickly the last 6 months have gone and it is also scary how it is all nearly over.
It all comes down to these last 14 days
The last 6 months have been a whirlwind of friendship, stress, relationships and happy moments, it really has been the best experience of my life and i can't wait to embark on the next 2 years of my life at this University!
Thank You so much for taking the time to Read my post,
Becca xxx