Sunday, 24 January 2016

A Letter To A Friend

Hey Guys, 
Ever since I was little I would always get excited when there was any form of mail waiting for me on the door mat when I woke up, even if it was something extremely boring, even now I get excited probably every time i hear the letterbox go because there might be something waiting for me to open and read. 

So, back in September when Raiona (mentioned in previous blog posts and owner of and I went off our separate ways to university, We decided we would keep in touch by any means possible. We know that we are both adults and may not always have time to see each other as much as we used to or have time to write long winded texts updating each other on what was going on with us.
We chose a method that some teenagers would find rather out dated, we decided to write letters, its not that hard to do, just need some paper, a pen and something to write about, its not to dissimilar from writing a blog post really, except there are more personal things written in a letter than on a website. 
There is something so much more intimate about writing things down in letters, they are something that you can keep forever, where as a text will just get deleted after a while. 
Raiona and I are both keen writers, as shown by our blogs. However we both found knowing what to write in letters to each other hard at first. Its all about getting the right balance of talking about yourself and asking questions the other can answer in their response. 

I get excited every time i see a hand written letter waiting for me  from Rai and I honestly save each one so I can read them back in the future. I love this little tradition we have started in our friendship and I hope it lasts a very long time. 

Do you have anyone you like to write to? 
What are your thoughts on hand written letters? 
Please feel free to answer these questions in the comments below! 

Love Always, 
B xxx