Friday, 22 May 2015

My Hectic Life

Hey Guys,
So, I have been quite hectic recently, what with the last day of school for study leave and other things going on, So I haven't been able to sit and write a post in the last 21 days. 
Here is a little update on what has been going on and what is going to be happening in the next few weeks. 

So most recently I have been seeing someone, his name is Adam and we get on really well. he makes me incredibly happy and i cant wait to see where things go with him or even if things will progress any further. I have also been keeping in touch with friends and family in Canada, but it makes me said that I cant be there with them, I can only be a face on a computer screen seeing each others bedrooms and not the beautiful country that surrounds them. 

Back to this country though what has been going on....
Last Friday (15th May) was the last day of sixth form (which would be the last 2 years of high school for american readers). It was a sad day, because a lot of the friends I've made in the last two years I might never see again, but that's a sad fact of life, you lose some friend but you also gain some, and you keep in touch with the special ones like this one...

So this week has also been a hectic one... I met up with a friend on Monday and got some revision done... probably the only bit of revision I've done all week #procrastination. I have found I am an expert at procrastination and its  good thing my exams aren't until June otherwise I would be screwed!!!
and finally we get to Wednesday the best day of all, I passed my driving test first time, which is very rare for my family, I have been told that I am the third in the family line to have done that, and i am so excited that i have finally done something better than my brother! 
That is about all for now though so I will catch up very soon!
Becca xx

Friday, 1 May 2015

A Day In ST Neots

Hey Guys , 
Me again! Wow two blog posts within a week!?! This is a new record for me!
So I'm currently in a four hour free at college, and thought it would be the perfect time to write a post.
Wednesday morning I got up so early (unusual for a Wednesday!) and got the train to Cambridge where I met my friend to give her, her birthday presents :) we then got the bus to ST Neots! You may think that there isn't a lot there but to us it has some great memories of the summer and it is kind of our little place to go just the two of us, we used to go to a café there but that had shut down some time between last summer and now! 
We did our favourite thing, which is going to the charity shops and looking for bargains ( I head straight for the books!) I was good this time and only bought one!!! 
After we found that our café had shut down we came Across this little alley way and found this little tea room called "Poppy's tea room" it was so cute and everything was vintage! From the fur other to the floral tea cups :) it was us to a T! (See pictures below) it was a great little day out (if you could call it a day!) and I can't wait to go back! 
Until next time! 
Becca! X